Saturday, March 18, 2017

RYM Weekly Update 3.18.17

The Stories our Bodies Tell
After praying and prepping this week, I'm going to keep the middle and high schoolers together this week for the talk at SNL. It's important that we keep laying ground work before diving into specific hot-button issues. 

Week 1 Recap
In the first week, I focused on the idea that all our eartly longings are pointing us to the Great Mystery that we were created to be united with Christ. The big idea was that the whole Bible tells one "5-word" story: "God wants to marry you!" (Rev. 21, Hosea 2:19, Ephesians 5:31-32)

Week 2 Recap
Last week we talked about a practical and healthy way the students can engage with their longings for intimacy: friendship. I talked about one of my friends who is an elderly and Godly man who has been single his whole life. Marriage and sexual intimacy are not the only ways to experience closeness. In this age of sexual confusion and social media connection, we are losing the ability to experience deep friendships.

Week 3: March 19
Tomorrow night we're going to discuss how we can allow the Gospel to shape and discipline our desires. We're going to look at Jesus, the way he laid down his life for others, and the contrasting way the world attempts to get selfish desires fulfilled. Much of this series is focused in Ephesians 5, so it would be a great chapter for you to read through and process with your teenager. We'll be looking at an overview of the whole chapter tomorrow night, focusing on verses 1,2, and 15. I will keep the language middle-school friendly since we'll all be together! 

Baptism & Confirmation
We have a baptism service coming up on Saturday night, April 15th and another on Sunday morning June 4th. Confirmations for 10th-12th graders will be held on Sunday, June 11th. Read more details here.


March 19
Tomorrow we have DRIVE & THE Q in the morning and SNL from 6-8pm.

March 26: Small Group Nights (6-8pm, dinner provided)

  • Middle School Gals: Abby Hedgecock's (6716 Lake Brandt Road in Summerfield)
  • Middle School Guys: Davis family (9 Independence Ct, off of Lawndale)
  • High School Gals: Hull family (1227 Buckingham Rd, off of Lawndale)
  • High School Guys: Graham Monroe's (5603 Buddingwood Dr, off Market St. and near Costco on Wendover)


2- SNL at the Hills

9- NO SNL because of Spring Break

16- No SNL because of Easter

23- Booyah Spring Fling 3:30-7pm

30- Celebrate Graduating Seniors at Sunday Morning Worship

30- Small Group Nights

June 14-17
High School Guys Camping Trip  & High School Gals Camping Trip

Summer Wednesdays
From June 14-Aug 9, we will have a youth activity every Wednesday. We will do a Wednesday Morning Prayer time (instead of Mondays like last summer) from 10-12 at our new church location. It will be for both middle and high schoolers and we will likely meet separately since we'll have a middle school room and high school room in the new classroom building! We will routinely go out to lunch after morning prayer, or bring bag lunches and hang at the new property. We also will schedule our weekly youth activities on Wednesdays, so block those off if you can! Things like Hanging Rock, City Lake Park waterslides, etc. Some will start at noon, right after morning prayer, while a few will happen in the evenings. We will get you the full summer calendar in April. 

Recommended Reading for Parents

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