Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Youth Update: 4.8.15

Reminder we're not having WAHO today due to Spring Break. 

Youth Family Cookout
Instead of having WAHO next Wednesday we are going to do a youth family cookout on Friday April 17th 6-8pm  at the home of Doug & Sarah West, 2703 Colton Dr. Oak Ridge, NC.  Please bring a side item or dessert to share and we will provide hot dogs. If you'd like a meat other than hot dogs, feel free to bring your own meat to throw on the grill. Your whole family is invited. The Wests have a large yard where we'll play some games involving the whole family. We'll also have a brief meeting with both youth and parents to discuss youth plans for the summer (camp details, father-son camping trip, Moms-Daughters bible study, etc...)

Summer Mission Camp
We have over 30 youth from Redeemer signed up for camp along with 20 others from 3 other Anglican churches. (Holy Trinity- Chatham, Good Shepherd-Bermuda Run, Good Shepherd-Cornelius).  The total cost for camp is $289. Most of you have already paid the $89 deposit.  Here are the remaining payment due dates:

May 17- $100
June 21- $100

Feel free to go ahead and pay the remaining balance if you are able. Checks can be written to Church of the Redeemer and mailed to COTR at PO Box 4764. Include your camper's name and 'summer camp' in the memo. You can also place checks in the offering baskets on Sundays, just make sure they are marked in the memo.

If you are able to pay more in order to help kids go who are in need of scholarships, please consider making a tax-deductible donation by writing a check with 'summer camp scholarship' in the memo. 

If you need scholarship money or fundraisers, please let me know. Graham Monroe, one of our Greensboro Fellows and youth volunteers, will be pressure washing driveways and sidewalks with kids needing to raise $. 

Upcoming Service Project
We try to do a service project together once every 6 weeks. Last month we visited residents at Spring Arbor. This month, on April 29th, we'd love to do an outdoor work project for a needy family or a shut-in. If you know someone who needs work done, please let me know. We would like to do it on Wednesday after school from around 4:30-6:30pm.

Spring Schedule


3-12 (Spring Break GCS, no WAHO This Week)

12- No 180 today, Bishop Steve Breedlove will be here for confirmations

17- (Friday) Instead of WAHO this week we're having a youth families cookout at the West's house from 6-8pm on Friday night. 

19- 180 on Sunday morning from 10:20-11:05

29- WAHO Service Project 4:30-6:30pm


3- 180 on Sunday morning from 10:20-11:05

10- Mother's Day (No 180- 'Sit Wid Yo-Mama Sunday')

13- WAHO at Drew's house (4:30-6pm)

17- 180 on Sunday morning from 10:20-11:05

25- Memorial Day

27- Last WAHO, end of the semester cookout (4:30-7:30pm)

31- 180 on Sunday morning from 10:20-11:05

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