Monday, March 9, 2015

Redeemer Youth Update 3.9.15

WAHO this Wednesday (Wednesday Afternoon Hang Out)

We'll have WAHO from 4:30-6pm at our house this Wednesday, continuing our series on Spiritual Disciplines during the season of Lent. After school pickup as normal. I plan to keep doing pizza as long as that is good with you as parents. Please let me know if you feel otherwise. If you can send $5/kid that helps cover costs for the kids that come that can't afford to pay. 

180/All-Play This Sunday

I know most of you mamas will be at the beach this week for the women's retreat so enjoy your time away! We will have the prayer room setup again and we will meet for 180 (2 weeks in a row). We also have All-Play and collect money once a month for our Compassion kids in Rwanda, Dan & Ruth. Please encourage your kids to earn $ throughout the week to bring in as a love gift for them. We need to collect $75 this Sunday. 

Downtown Prayer Room

Sign your family up for the 24/7 Prayer Room in Downtown Greensboro during Holy Week. More details here.

Summer Mission Camp

We are currently at 35 signed up for Cedar Grove, July 12-16. There is still time to sign up if you're not yet on the list. We're also going with 4 other smaller churches who already have folks signing up as well. Reminder, you can get a $20 discount off of your camp for every friend you bring. More camp details here

Male Campers
Adam Tart
Caeden West
Will Tart
Matthew Clevenger
Rivers West
Logan Porter
Drew Clevenger
Josh Hawkins
Noah West
DJ Dalporto
Dallas Goldston
Jonathan Kirkman
Canain Stanley
Tyler Hruska
Fidele Murwanshaka
Peter Twaibu

Female Campers
Faith Ogunjobi
Emily Hawkins
Rebekah Kirkman
Chloe Stanley
Jemima Kevine
Frances Porter
Jeanne Mwtatu
Yvette Dusabe
Anna Robinson
Grace Vosburgh
Alice Mutesi
Solange Duhimbz
Florence Uwera

Drew Hill
Alan Hawkins
Andrew Edscorn
Greta Stanley
Ellen Robinson
Eloise Porter

Parenting Thought For The Week

I recently watched a parenting video where Jon Foreman's (lead singer of Switchfoot) parents shared the following concept. 
As parents we have 2 options:

1. We can try and control them, shape them, mold them in to the person we want them to become.


2. We can be more like archeologists, trying to dig out the treasure within our kids that God has already put there. "I wonder who this child is going to become and how can I help that happen?"

We've been sold a lie in terms of how we read the Bible. Usually we start with original sin and that view of man, but scripture starts with the image of God. When you look at your son or daughter this week, will you ask God to help you see His image within them. Your child is made in the image of God. Let's ask our Father how we can draw out His image in them instead of fighting so hard to mold them into own design of who we think they should be.

Praying for you this week!

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