WAHO Tomorrow at Spring Arbor
For the past 3 years we've regularly visited residents at Spring Arbor nursing home. We want to help the youth live out James 1:29, 'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.'
Tomorrow we'll meet at Spring Arbor (5125 Michaux Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410) at 4:30p-5:45p. Parents are welcomed to join us at any of our youth events! Sometimes we go out to eat together after our time at Spring Arbor, it always just depends on what families have going on. If you're interested in grabbing dinner together, let me know and we'll get a group together. Also, if you're ever able to help take some of our African friends home, let me know. I will pickup from Newcomers, Caldwell, and Kernodle and Robin Wise is picking up the NW kids this week.
Prayer Room Pickup
Thanks to all who helped setup and contribute items for our Youth Prayer Room during Lent. Please pick up any items you donated this Sunday after church in the hall by the cafeteria. Also, just a reminder to sign your family up for the 24/7 Prayer Room in Downtown Greensboro during Holy Week. More details here. I can't imagine a better way to prepare your kids to experience holy week than by spending an hour as a family at the prayer room.
Holy Week
Holy Week begins this Sunday with Palm Sunday. Make sure to arrive to church on time on Sunday mornings as we will process at 10am with palm branches. We will have 180 during the sermon.
Next week we have two Holy Week services mid-week, both at Western at 6:30pm, Maundy Thursday & Good Friday. I'd encourage you to come and participate with your families and if any of the teenagers are willing to serve with the toddlers on Good Friday, we still need a couple folks to help, let me know.
Parent Article of the Week
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