Saturday, November 28, 2015


Nov. 29: Tomorrow- Middle and High School combined 
Since tomorrow is the first day of the church calendar, we will be combining DRIVE and THE Q tomorrow and learning about the seasons of the church and particularly focusing on understanding why we celebrate Advent. 

Dec. 2: Wednesday- Spring Arbor Caroling
6th-12th graders (and parents if you wish) are invited to join us this Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, for Christmas caroling at Spring Arbor Assisted Living facility (5125 Michuax Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410). We'll meet there at 4:30 and visit with residents and carol until 5:45. I'm sure there will be some folks that go out to eat together at Casa Vallarta (as has been tradition for the past few years), but we will not make dinner an official part of the evening. Please arrange to pick up your kids at 5:45 at Spring Arbor or let me know if you need help with transportation. 

Dec. 6: Next Sunday- Advent program and Compassion Pancake fundraiser 
Middle and high schoolers should be at Faith Pres (6309 W. Friendly Ave) at 3:30pm next Sunday to help cook pancakes and set up for the program. The program is from 5-7pm and tickets are $10 for adults. All proceeds go to sponsor Dan and Ruth, our Compassion kids in Rwanda. Come hungry! 

If you've forgotten to send $ for pizza to SNL or WAHO this semester, now is a good time to make it up! You can hand me cash at church or put a check in the offering that has 'youth budget' in the memo. You can also mail in a check to PO Box 4764 Greensboro 27404. It's not a big deal but in the past couple weeks (including Capernaum club) we spent over $200 on pizza but only got $55 turned in so it would help my relationship with the Redeemer finance team if I can end the year under budget. :)

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