Wednesday, November 4, 2015

4 Questions To Ask Your Teenagers About Their Screens

I read this article this week and thought it was worth passing along, especially in light of our recent discussion in SNL and WAHO about engaging media. 

You can read the full article in the link above, or see the 4 questions I've copied and pasted below.

  1. What did they just say? This is a question that simply asks young people to identify what they saw or heard. Today’s young people often let dialogue, images or lyrics roll right past them without pondering what they are absorbing. This question helps them recognize what they just saw and heard. 
  2. What did they mean? When you innocently ask this question, you’re now asking them to interpret what they just heard. This prods them to not just recite, but interpret. This might be the first time they ever pause to think about the meaning. Then ask them… 
  3. Is he/she right? Now you’re bringing morality into the picture. This question asks them to think about the messages their entertainment media is communicating and compare it with their personal values. 
  4. What does scripture say about this? This nudges young people to look to scripture for truth. Kids might not always know where to look, so help them. Suggest a passage and then ask simple questions about that passage, questions like: What did that passage say? What does that mean?

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