Looks like snow is coming again tomorrow night, starting around 7pm. I've talked with a few of you today and I think we'll plan on still having WAHO as long as GCS school isn't cancelled tomorrow. If the weather changes and the storm is projected to come in earlier, look for an email from me about canceling WAHO tomorrow, but for now, we're still on.
Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped with the prayer room. It was a great first Sunday and we'll put it back up every Sunday during Lent. 15 of the youth were able to use it this week, so my hope is the other 15 will be able to use it this coming Sunday. We typically have about 30 middle and high schoolers on a Sunday. I will have a sign up sheet at the front of the prayer room by 9:45am on Sunday. Kids can sign up for 20 minute slots, 3 kids at a time= 15 spots. We do need help setting it up and tearing it down each Sunday, so please let me know if your fam could take a Sunday and help with one or both. Setup starts at 9am.
SUMMER MISSION CAMP: Last week for discount
Also, we currently have 10 folks signed up for camp this summer. The early signup discount ends this Sunday, March 1st, so make sure you get your deposit of $89 in by then. You can bring it on Sunday or mail it to me at 1210 Alderman Dr. GSO 27408. Make checks to Church of the Redeemer and put 'summer camp' in the memo. Please invite friends as well! This will be an incredible week for our youth to bond together and encounter the Gospel.
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