Thursday, July 9, 2015

Final Camp Info

Thank you for letting your kids spend the week with us at Cedar Grove. I can't wait!! Not only do we plan to make this week a ton of fun for them, but we hope they’ll come home with a clearer understanding of the Gospel and a deeper relationship with Christ.

Lots of details below. It's also listed at

Required Waiver
Cedar Grove requires this waiver to be signed. Please bring it with you on Sunday. 

Packing List
You can find everything you need to bring listed here. Please make sure to label everything and try to pack it in one bigger bag and one smaller bag (like a bookbag). It looks like it's going to be hot and humid and sometimes rainy. We do have AC in the cabins. Let me highlight a few things to make sure they bring:
  • either a sleeping bag or sheets/blanket and a pillow. 
  • 2 towels (swim and bath)
  • a Bible, pen, and lil notebook they can take notes in. 
  • please send a modest bathing suit, a tankini is fine for the ladies. Josh Hawkins isn't allowed to wear a speedo. 
  • closed toed shoes for the ropes course and yard work
  • clothes they can get paint on (for paintball and for painting projects)
  • clothes for a hoe-down
  • $ if they want snack foods from the canteen in the afternoons
  • dirty clothes bag
  • any rainy afternoon games they want to bring, cards, bananagrams, etc..
  • If you'd like to send any snacks for your child to share with their cabin, that would be great! Let's have a 'Which mom can make the best cookies' competition!  
  • PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY SNACKS WITH NUTS as we have a couple kiddos who are severely allergic. 
PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Please take them up before your kids get in the car. We want them to have freedom from the social media drama this week. If they want to take pictures, they will need to just bring a camera. Kickin old school.

Sunday Departure
At the end of the service this Sunday (at 11:30) all the youth and leaders will come down front to be prayed for. I am ordering pizza for Sunday lunch for all the campers and counselors. We'll eat at 11:45, load the cars at 12:15, take a group picture and depart around 12:30pm, arriving to camp around 1:30pm. Ellen Robinson is pulling a trailer where we'll load a lot of the luggage. 

Here is how I've assigned folks with cars and drivers:

Drew Hill- Jonathan K, DJ, Canain
Ellen Robinson- Faith, Sam Walt, Anne Marie, Anna R, Jalen, Peter T
Graham Monroe- Maxim, Patrick, Tyler Hruska
Stacey Greene-Anna Davis, Leia, Angel
Eloise Porter- Frances, Clemence, Anna Cox, Grace Vosburgh, Taylor Swaim
Greta Stanley- Chloe, Rebekah, Emily, Jeanne Mwutatu
Dodd Drake- Caeden, Zack, Rivers, Matthew, Noah, Drew C
Josh Hedrick- Adam and Will
Austin Drake - Josh Hawkins, Dallas, Fidele
Natalie Hill- Honey, Hutch, Heart, Anna Gentry

You can view our schedule for the week here. It will likely get adjusted due to rain and other unpredictable factors but this way you can know how to specifically pray for us and what's going on with your campers!  

Thursday Arrival Home
On Thursday, July 16th, we anticipate getting back to Western at 3pm. We'll let you know if anything changes. If you would like to come up and join us on Thursday morning for our closing worship service and ceremonies and lunch, come on! Just let me know ASAP so I can let the food services know how many to prepare for. Lunch costs $9/person.

If you have an outstanding balance that you owe, I will email you separately to let you know. Please feel free to email me with any questions! We cherish your prayers.


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